Shipping & Delivery Policy

  1. Free Shipping is not valid for Wholesale & Export Orders.
  2. Discounts or Offers will be shown on Shopping Cart Review Page Only (If Any).
  3. The products would be dispatched through courier/cargo company of international repute.
  4. For international orders, the shipping charges vary depending upon the shipping mode and the country where the products are being shipped. (if for some reason the shipping is not being serviced by courier companies, extra shipping charges would be applicable. The company will advise of the same on receiving the order)
  5. The shipment would be dispatched as early as possible from the date the order is received.
  6. Our company is not responsible and/or liable for any damages and/or claims what so ever, in case if any product is not allowed by country of import, after placement of order and dispatch of goods.
  7. If for any reason the goods are not cleared by the customs of country of import and returned to us then the company will deduct freight and insurance and clearing charges etc. from the billing amount.
  8. For international orders, you agree that any governmental authority including customs and security may open and inspect your shipment /packet at any time. The same is not in our control and liable for any refund / replacement of the goods.
  9. Custom Duty, Local Taxes, Quarantine charges and Clearance Charges if applicable would be extra as per the country of Billing Address/Shipping Address.
  10. Shipping will be done in 5 to 7 working days


         Terms & Conditions 

a product of ARTS & CRAFTS INDIA  (“Company”) DOES NOT trade or sell your personal information in any manner except as specified herein or if you express your consent towards the same. Personal Information provided by you is used only: (a) To facilitate your use of the website; (b) To respond to your concerns, and inquiries or address your requests for information about the various services we offer; (c) To provide you with information about the Company’s services/products
) If you purchase any content or avail of any service from the website, to complete and fulfill Your purchase, for example, to have your payments processed, communicate with you regarding Your purchase and provide you with related customer service; (i) To administer product downloads; (j) To conduct internal reviews and data analysis for the Website (e.g., to determine the number of visitors to specific pages within the website)